• 9865214522
  • principalsyalde@gmail.com


Our library is designed to support the learning and research needs of students and faculty. They typically include a wide range of print and digital resources such as books, periodicals, and online databases. They may also have study spaces, computers, and other technology for students to use. Library is a valuable resource for students, helping them to develop literacy, critical thinking, and research skills. A well-stocked library and trained librarians can help students to find the resources they need to succeed academically, as well as to develop a love of reading and learning.

College Library

# Department Total Book
1 English 214
2 Physics 23
3 Chemistry 70
4 Mathematics 34
5 Zoology 35
6 Botany 107
7 Hindi 487
8 Geography 72
9 Political Science 230
10 Economics 163
11 Sociology 190