• 9865214522
  • principalsyalde@gmail.com

Clean Campus Green Campus Cell

Clean Campus Green Campus cell

A Clean Campus Green Campus Cell in a college is a group of students and staff members who work together to promote environmental sustainability and keep the campus clean and green. The cell typically organizes events and activities such as tree plantation drives, cleanliness campaigns, workshops on environmental conservation, and recycling programs. They also often work with local government and non-governmental organizations to improve the environmental conditions of the college and surrounding areas. The goal of the Clean Campus Green Campus Cell is to create an eco-friendly campus environment and educate students and staff on the importance of environmental conservation.

Associate Member

Dr. Mamta Gaur

Dr. Mamta Gaur


Dr. Hema

Dr. Hema


Dr Nirmala Lohni

Dr Nirmala Lohni


Enquiry Form

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